11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
(October 28, 2010)
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):
I begin with an expression of heartfelt appreciation for the warm hospitality shown Imam Siraj Wahhaj and I by the Masjid Mustafa community in Charlotte, NC, last Friday. While Imam Siraj had to depart early the following morning for another engagement, I remained in Charlotte through Sunday and had a number of memorable experiences (alhamdullilah). Thanks again Masjid Mustafa, for the hospitality and support (and special thanks to Br. Yasin).
Insha'Allah, I expect to be in the Atlanta area this weekend for some important matters. I'm scheduled to serve as guest khatib for jumuah at Masjid al-Hedaiya in Marietta (GA) tomorrow afternoon - and then remain in the Atlanta area through Sunday morning for some other important meetings related to Imam Jamil. I also hope to be brought up to date on the latest information regarding the police assassination of Imam Luqman.
(I've already seen video of the recent press conference held in Detroit, following the government's own predicable findings in the case. I intend to comment on that later, insha'Allah.)
Insha'Allah, next Tuesday, Nov 2nd, I've been invited to join Ryme and Naji at Pacifica Radio's WPFW, to have a spirited discussion about our sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, and the mid-term elections. For Washington area residents, the program airs live at 11AM, at 89.3 FM.
On Saturday & Sunday, Nov 6-7, JERICHO (an organization that addresses political imprisonment in America) will hold a very important two-day conference in Richmond, Virginia, at the Fan Free Clinic - located at 1010 N. Thompson St., Richmond, VA 23230. The hours for the conference on Saturday will be 9-6PM; Sunday 9-1PM. There is a $50 cost, which includes meals for both days.
For additional info call: (804) 304-8595 or (804) 647-0832
The GENOCIDE in occupied Kashmir is as old as the ethnic cleansing and genocide in occupied Palestine, though we in America hear very little about it. Later this evening in Fairfax, VA, a program that appears to be worthy of our time and support will be held at George Mason University (see below).
On a related note, I just learned that Arundhati Roy, a gifted and courageous human rights-oriented writer (for whom I have long had enormous respect) has been threatened with imprisonment - by "the world's largest democracy" (India) - for speaking truth to power on the issue of Kashmir. (More on this later, insha'Allah)
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
"Kashmir: Ground Realities & International Response"
George Mason University
Johnson center, Dewberry Hall
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA
Thursday, October 28, 2010
7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m.
Barrister Sultan Mehmood
Former Prime minister of Azad Kashmir
Ms. Iffat Gardezi
Embassy of Pakistan
Professor Imtiaz Khan
George Mason University
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai
Executive Director
Kashmiri American council/Kashmir Center
Diner (Halal) will be providedPlease contact:
Israr Mirza at
psa@gmu.edu OR 202-607-6585
Dr. Sami al-Arian's Hearing Tomorrow
To revisit our sentiments expressed a little over a week ago:
Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 29, 2010, to show support for Dr. Sami al-Arian. Insha'Allah, he is expected to be back in court in what constitutes one of the longest and most precedent-setting cases (on a number of levels) to impact the Muslim community. People of good will should pack the main courtroom (and several overflow courtrooms).
While I am already committed to serve as guest khatib for jumuah in the Atlanta area (to help bring more focus on the case of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin), we will make du'a for Dr. Sami al-Arian, and we do expect friends and supporters of The Peace Thru Justice Foundation to be present in the courtroom, insha'Allah.
Please pass the following information along...
O Muslims of the DC area: This is the Day of Jumuah, let us make it a full day of ibadah!
A New Hearing for Dr. Al-Arian
Friday, October 29, 2010
Judge to decide whether to have charges dropped altogether or to set trial date
Alexandria, VA - October 13, 2010
A new hearing in the case of Dr. Sami Al-Arian has been set for Friday, October 29, 2010. The government recently filed a motion requesting federal Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia to deny the pending defense motion, filed 18 months ago, to dismiss the criminal contempt charges against Dr. Al-Arian.
In the latest motion, the government not only asked the judge to deny the dismissal request, but it also calls on the judge to reverse her decision allowing Dr. Al-Arian to present a defense in the event of a trial. This marks the fourth time that the government has attempted to prevent the defense from presenting evidence at the trial. The judge denied all prior motions by prosecutors.
At the upcoming hearing Judge Brinkema is expected to rule on whether Dr. Al-Arian should stand trial or whether the charges against him should be dropped altogether.
The Tampa Bay Coalition for Justice and Peace calls upon all supporters to attend this very important hearing that will determine the course of this case and whether justice will be served.
Dr. Al-Arian is being represented by a distinguished legal team led by George Washington Law professor Jonathan Turley, and P.J. Meitl of Bryan Cave.
For previous press releases click here or go to: www.freesamialarian.com
Mark Your Calendar for the Next Hearing!
There have been several hearings in the past, but this is considered the most important.
![Alexandria Courthouse]()
The courthouse (address below) is within walking distance from the King Street Station (Blue and Yellow Lines). Click here for metro schedules and maps. Click here for Google Maps for directions to the courthouse. WHAT: Hearing to Dismiss Dr. Sami Al-Arian's Case
WHEN: Friday, October 29, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (hearing begins at 9 sharp) WHERE: Albert V. Bryan U.S. Courthouse401 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314 Hope to see you there!!
- END- |
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