Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fwd: Norway Massacre and the nexus of Islamophobia and Right-wing Zionism By Alex Kane

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Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Norway Massacre and the nexus of Islamophobia and Right-wing Zionism By Alex Kane


The Norway Massacre and the nexus of Islamophobia and Right-wing Zionism

By Alex Kane

July 23, 2011 "
Mondoweiss" - - Details on the culprit behind yesterday's massacre in Norway, which saw car bombings in Oslo and a mass shooting attack on the island of Utoya that caused the deaths of at least 91 people, have begun to emerge.  While it is still too early for a complete portrait of the killer, Anders Behring Breivik, there are enough details to begin to piece together what's behind the attack. 

Although initial media reports, spurred on by the tweets of former State Department adviser on violent extremism Will McCantslinked the attacks to Islamist extremists, it was in fact an anti-Muslim zealot who committed the murders.  An examination of Breivik's views, and his support for far-right European political movements, makes it clear that only by interrogating the nexus of Islamophobia and right-wing Zionism can one understand the political beliefs behind the terrorist attack. 

Breivik is apparently an avid fan of U.S.-based anti-Muslim activists such as Pamela GellerRobert Spencer and Daniel Pipes, and has repeatedly professed his ardent support for Israel.  Breivik's political ideology is illuminated by looking at comments he posted to the right-wing site, which author and journalist Doug Sanders put up. 

Here's a sampling of some of Breivik's comments:

And then we have the relationship between conservative Muslims and so-called "moderate Muslims".

There is moderate Nazis, too, that does not support fumigation of rooms and Jews. But they're still Nazis and will only sit and watch as the conservatives Nazis strike (if it ever happens). If we accept the moderate Nazis as long as they distance themselves from the fumigation of rooms and Jews?

Now it unfortunately already cut himself with Marxists who have already infiltrated-culture, media and educational organizations. These individuals will be tolerated and will even work asprofessors and lecturers at colleges / universities and are thus able to spread their propaganda.

For me it is very hypocritical to treat Muslims, Nazis and Marxists differ. They are all supporters of hate-ideologies...(page 2-3)

What is globalization and modernity to do with mass Muslim immigration?

And you may not have heard and Japan and South Korea? These are successful and modern regimes even if they rejected multiculturalism in the 70's. Are Japanese and South Koreans goblins?

Can you name ONE country where multiculturalism is successful where Islam is involved? The only historical example is the society without a welfare state with only non-Muslim minorities (U.S.)...(page 7)

We have selected the Vienna School of Thought as the ideological basis. This implies opposition to multiculturalism and Islamization (on cultural grounds). All ideological arguments based on anti-racism. This has proven to be very successful which explains why the modern cultural conservative movement / parties that use the Vienna School of Thought is so successful: the Progress Party,Geert Wilders, document and many others...(page 13)

I consider the future consolidation of the cultural conservative forces on all seven fronts as the most important in Norway and in all Western European countries. It is essential that we work to ensure that all these 7 fronts using the Vienna school of thought, or at least parts of the grunlag for 20-70 year-struggle that lies in front of us.

The book is called, by the way 2083 and is in English, 1100 pages).

To sums up the Vienna school of thought:

-Cultural Conservatism (anti-multiculturalism)

-Against Islamization


-Anti-authoritarian (resistance to all authoritarian ideologies of hate)

-Pro-Israel/forsvarer of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries

- Defender of the cultural aspects of Christianity

- To reveal the Eurabia project and the Frankfurt School (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)

- Is not an economic policy and can collect everything from socialists to capitalists...(page 20)

Daniel Pipes: Leftism and Islam. Muslims, the warriors Marxists Have Been praying for.

link to

The following summarizes the agenda of many kulturmarxister with Islam, it explains also why those on death and life protecting them. It explains so well why we, the cultural conservatives,are against Islamization and the implementation of these agendas... (page 27)

We must therefore make sure to influence other cultural conservatives to come to our anti-rasistiske/pro-homser/pro-Israel line. When they reach this line, one can take it to the next level...(page 41)



Breivik's right-wing pro-Israel line, combined with his antipathy to Muslims, is just one example of the European far-right's ideology, exemplified by groups such as the English Defense League (EDL).  The EDL, a group Breivik praisesalong with the anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders, share with Breivik an admiration for Israel.   

Anti-Muslim activists and right-wing Zionists share a political narrative that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a "clash of civilizations," one in which Judeo-Christian culture is under attack by Islam.  Israel, in this narrative, is the West's bulwark against the threat that Islam is posing to Europe and the United States.  The nexus of Islamophobia and right-wing Zionism was clearly on display during last summer's"Ground Zero mosque" hysteria, which culminated in a rally where Geller and Wilders addressed a crowd that included members of the EDL waving Israeli flags.  

This comment by Breivik is one example of the twisted way in which Islamophobia and a militant pro-Israel ideology fit together:

Cultural conservatives disagree when they believe the conflict is based on Islamic imperialism,that Islam is a political ideology and not a race.

Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect themselves against the Jihad.

Kulturmarxistene refuses to recognize the fact that Islam's political doctrine is relevant and essential. They can never admit to or support this because they believe that this is primarily about a race war - that Israel hates Arabs (breed).

As long as you can not agree on the fundamental perceptions of reality are too naive to expect that one to come to any conclusion.Before one at all can begin to discuss this conflict must first agree on the fundamental truths of Islam's political doctrine.

Most people here have great insight in key Muslim concepts that al-taqiiya (political deceit), naskh (Quranic abrogation) and Jihad. The problem is that kulturmarxister refuses to recognizet hese concepts.They can not recognize these key Muslim concepts. For if they do so erodes the primary argument that Israel is a "racist state" and that this is a race war (Israelis vs. Arabs) and not defense against Jihad (Kafr vs. Ummah)

Breivik's admiration for the likes of Daniel Pipes is also telling, and should serve as a warning that, while it would be extremely unfair and wrong to link Pipes in any way to the massacre in Norway, Breivik's views are not so far off from some establishment neoconservative voices in the U.S.  For instance, both Pipes and Breivik share a concern with Muslim demographics in Europe.  In 1990, Pipes wrotein the National Review that "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene...All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most." 

Pipes was appointed by the Bush administration to the U.S. Institute of Peace, andsits on the same board than none other than the Obama administration's point man on the Middle East, Dennis Ross.

Pipes' and Breivik's concern about Muslim and Arab demographics also recall the remarks of Harvard Fellow Martin Kramer, who infamously told the Herzliya Conference in Israel last year that the West should "stop providing pro-natal subsidies for Palestinians with refugee status...Israel's present sanctions on Gaza have a political aim, undermine the Hamas regime, but they also break Gaza's runaway population growth and there is some evidence that they have."

Adding to the Israel/Palestine angle here is the fact that the day before the attack on the island of Utoya, a Palestine solidarity event was held there.

Why Breivik, and his accomplices if he had any, would attack young Norwegians remains unclear.  But it probably had something to do with Breivik's belief that European governments, and the Norwegian government, were run by "Marxists" allied with Islamist extremists who were bent on destroying Europe through "multiculturalism." 

Of course, support for Israel and its current right-wing policies do not automatically translate into support for extremist right-wing violence.  But Palestinians, and the larger Arab and Muslim world, know far too well the consequences of Islamophobia and far right-wing Zionism.  Now, it seems that Norwegians do too.  While much remains to be learned about the attacks in Norway, it has exposed the dangerous nexus of Islamophobia, neoconservatism and right-wing Zionism, and what could happen when the wrong person subscribes to those toxic beliefs.

Alex Kane, a freelance journalist currently based in Amman, Jordan, blogs on Israel/Palestine at


youth camp

Bomb Blast and Shooting in Norway Leave Dozens Dead »

Tim King Contrary to western media reports attempting to tie the event to Middle East terrorism, Oslo's police chief did not once mention Islamist terrorism, al Qaeda or suggest that police had…

Jul 23 2011 / 5 Comments / Read More »

UPDATE from Tim King / Salem-News (July 23, 2011 15:12)

Was Norway's Terrorism Timed to Celebrate Israel's King David Hotel Attack?

Tim King

"...whenever countries lately exhibit anti-Jew behavior, natural disasters happen, sometimes not so natural..." - Comment on pro-Israel article

Norways'Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store visited the Labour Youth League Camp on Thursday passing a sign promoting the boycott of goods from Israel's occupation settlers.
Special thanks to:

(OSLO /SALEM) - The attack on Oslo came exactly 65 years to the day after the Israeli Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem that left over 90 people dead. The violent blast even killed passers by and people in adjacent neighboring buildings.

91 people were killed on this day in 1946, when Jewish terrorists attacked British soldiers who just the year before, were fighting the Nazi's.

Read Full Article

Veterans Today

Jim W. Dean: Norway Bombing – Islamophobia Strikes Again »

Norway Bombing - The Body Count Rises

Soon after the first news flash on Danish TV 2, I zapped at least 5 TV Channels – Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, BBC World and CNN, to see, what was being discussed and how anti-terror experts and media pundits were analyzing the situation and who was being signaled out or even blamed for this hideous crime. They even announced that there were many signs pointing to Islamist terror.

I was not surprised, how quickly; all commentators started pointing the finger towards Islamic terrorists, Al-Qaeeda, Jihadi movements, Islamic militants, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, and even the possibility of converted Islamist Norwegians was brought in the discussion.

This serious charge and inflammatory connotation was dished out to public, even if no one had taken responsibility, no arrests took place, no investigation was launched and none of the persons wounded or otherwise even mentioned any thing remotely close to what media and anti-terror experts were irresponsibly launching.

Read more

Gordon Duff: Norway Notes »

The Second Tragedy is the Lies

 By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


Remembering my manners and putting aside cheap journalism for humanity, the staff at Veterans Today offers its condolences and best to the families of the dead and the people of Norway.  Every life is precious.

To those who profit from such things, the talking heads filling our TV screens with wild and self serving conjecture, Mr. Bolton, I am talking about you in particular, I wish you my absolute worst.  There have been so many of "you" out there, running your fat little mouths that we and our relatively unlimited resources are going to be taking a long hard look.  We are now suspicious as hell.

Read more

Norway backs Palestinian bid for UN recognition in September »

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

(NOVANEWS) Norwegian FM says 'it is perfectly legitimate' for Palestinian president to turn to the UN with a proposal for statehood.

Norway, host of the 1993 Palestinian-Israeli peace accords, said on Monday it was "perfectly legitimate" for Palestinians to take their case for statehood to the United Nations for voting in September.

"We will consider very carefully the proposed text that's to be put forward by the Palestinians in the coming weeks," said Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas beside him at a press conference.

Read more

Norway Bombing – Islamophobia Strikes Again

How Islamophobic fever among western media and anti-terror experts came to surface – once again?


by VT Editor  Jim W. Dean… featuring Bashy Quraishy


Anders Behring - A closet Muslim Jihadist?

Main Stream media teams up with their one the pad terrorism experts to send some more invoiced in to the NeoCons for their Muslim bashing.  I watched in disgust, again, at the blame game being played on the air before the ambulances had driven away or a single official police report had been made.

You would think that with the high profile that yellow journalism has had in the last two week that these media morons would be practicing just a bit more responsibility and discipline…but alas it may not be in their DNA. I urge you all to flood their email boxes with your comments.

King Henry II's famous line of 'Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest (Becket…thanks Alan)?' comes to mind…substituting 'useless press' of course. Maybe we should have a way to vote them out of business, a public referendum the continuing in business.

Becket Refuses to Recant

One of the gems of my video archives is a long background talk that Marine General Douglas Stone gave the Navy League here in Atlanta, 2009. General Stone not only speaks fluent Arabic, but is also a Koranic scholar.

While reforming the Iraq prison systems in debriefed 2000 Jihadists, who to their shock found themselves being whipped on what was not in the Koran that they insisted that was. Stone instituted a 'deprogramming' process and subsequent release record with a recidivism rate that would be the envy of all U.S. prison systems.

Marine Major General Douglas Stone

One of the bombs that he dropped on the audience that night was:

"We can never defeat militant Islam militarily" (he paused and repeated this for effect). "Only the moderate Muslims can do that. And the trick for us is how do we help them without undermining them in the process."

This pitiful excuse called western journalism with it's irresponsible and unprofessional Muslim bashing is security threat to all of us.

They are a neon sign recruiting banner that is replacing extremist Muslims maybe even faster that we are pouring tens of billions into the sands and mountains to 'bring them to the negotiating table'…code language for victory.

Bashy Quraishy has had a front row seat to all of this NeoCon co-ordinated Muslim bashing…a jihad of its own.

Jim Dean, editor…Veterans Today  &  Heritage TV…Atlanta


Bashy Quraishy

Bashy Quraishy

Secretary General – EMISCO – European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion

At 3.26 p.m on Friday, the 22 July 2011, a hefty explosion ripped through the centre of Oslo, the capital of Norway, causing heavy material damage, dozens of severely injured, 7 people killed and many still missing.

The bomb caused heavy destruction to the offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and a number of other official buildings. Neighboring offices – including those housing some of Norway's leading newspapers and news agency NTB were evacuated.

Oil ministry was among the other government buildings hit, while the headquarters of tabloid newspaper VG were also damaged.

From TV pictures, one can see the extensive damage in the shape of rubble. Glass from shattered windows littered the streets and smoke from the fires drifting across the city could be seen from the devastated government quarter. One must condemn such cowardly and brutal carnage as strongly as possible. There should be no buts and ifs on the issue violence and terror.

Norway Bombing - The Body Count Rises

Soon after the first news flash on Danish TV 2, I zapped at least 5 TV Channels – Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, BBC World and CNN, to see, what was being discussed and how anti-terror experts and media pundits were analyzing the situation and who was being signaled out or even blamed for this hideous crime. They even announced that there were many signs pointing to Islamist terror.

I was not surprised, how quickly; all commentators started pointing the finger towards Islamic terrorists, Al-Qaeeda, Jihadi movements, Islamic militants, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, and even the possibility of converted Islamist Norwegians was brought in the discussion.

This serious charge and inflammatory connotation was dished out to public, even if no one had taken responsibility, no arrests took place, no investigation was launched and none of the persons wounded or otherwise even mentioned any thing remotely close to what media and anti-terror experts were irresponsibly launching.

For example, the Swedish terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp said to News Agency Ritzau among other things that he thought it could be Al Qaida's work. His position changed when the shooting accrued but his inner intentions came to light when he told news agency T T: " Had it just been a bombing, it would be natural to connect it to Islamic terror. Now we have also seen an attack against the Labor Party's youth, and it changes the whole picture".

Later the New York Times even went as far as to say; "Terrorism specialists said that even if the authorities ultimately ruled out Islamic terrorism as the cause of Friday's assaults, other kinds of groups or individuals were mimicking Al Qaeda's brutality and multiple attacks".

This tone and undocumented finger pointing towards "Islamic Connection" however changed a bit after a short while, when a young blond Norwegian man was arrested after he shot and killed 84 young political activists from the ruling Labor Party's youth wing, who were gathered on the close by Island of Utøya for a seminar.


YouTube - Veterans Today - - Anders Behring Early Profile


Norway Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Unfortunately, the Prime Minster of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg also went on Norwegian TV and indirectly hinted that terror attacks were the work of non-Norwegian forces. Mark his words;

""No one will bomb us to silence, no one will shoot us to silence, no one will ever scare us from being Norway. We should never compromise on our values and democracy".

He did not wait for the police or his Justice Minster to give him some sort of hint and a sound advice. The only balanced remark came from the Norwegian Foreign Minister when he was talking to CNN.

He said: " we do not want to jump to conclusions, let the police do its job". When CNN pushed him with its own opinion, the minster once again reiterated; "We do not want to commit the same mistake like other countries by jumping to conclusions. We are waiting for the findings of the police."

Campers Slaughtered on Beautiful Island

Police authorities were all along saying that it was premature to say, who can be responsible for this action. When the situation became a little clearer, the Norwegian Justice Minster Knut Storberget issued a statement that the arrested man responsible for bombing the Oslo Centre and shooting at Utøya Island is a native Norwegian.

It also emerged that police were aware of the identity of the man who was under interrogation in Oslo as well as it was familiar with the environment in which he moved around. After that the police clearly mentioned that there was no question of international terrorism.

The Norwegian intelligence agency is co-operating with the Oslo police district to investigate the matter and to interrogate the detainee to clarify whether he acted on his own or have a wider support among far right movement in Norway.

Following his apprehension, Breivik was characterized by officials as being a conservative right-wing extremist. Deputy police chief Roger Andresen described the suspect as a "Christian fundamentalist".

Until 2000, he was member of far right Progressive Party. He has also identified himself in a multitude of social media services as an admirer of, among others, anti-Nazi World War II hero Max Manus and anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

According to the Norwegian Minster of Foreign Minster, all freedom loving and peaceful people in the world have shown the greatest sadness on this carnage and expressed profound solidarity with the families of the victims, Norwegian government and citizens. This is a very heartwarming news.

Police Swat Teams Arrives after 30 Minutes

I just hope that in future, the politicians, the media, the anti-terror experts would let the police do their job of gathering the evidence, collect the information, shifting through the material and finding the culprits.

Guessing, supposing and finger pointing only creates panic among the citizens, throw suspicion on innocent groups and even destroy good relations between the Islamic world and the West.

It is also very harmful and dangerous for ethnic and religious minorities, especially Muslim communities who live in all western societies – peacefully, in harmony and are part of the societies.

There are many progressive people in the West who wish to have pleasant relations with Muslim minorities, but such irrational, irresponsible and knee jerk behavior on the part of opinion makers in the West makes the process of integration difficult if not impossible.

Media has a special duty in this respect. Journalists have a great deal of power in shaping public opinion and thus media must be extra careful when it is covering sensitive issues like terrorism and violence.


YouTube - Veterans Today -

Norway attacks draw condemnation from pro-Palestinian organizations

[ 23/07/2011 - 05:11 PM ] 
BRUSSELS, (PIC)-- The twin attacks in Oslo that left some 90 dead have drawn strong condemnation by pro-Palestinian organizations on Saturday.
The Labor party youth retreat was a supporter of Palestinian rights and an end to the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.
In a statement following Friday's shocking attack, the European campaign to end the siege on Gaza said that ''regardless of the identities of those involved in the attack, the bloodshed and intimidation of innocent people is an act condemnable on the utmost terms''.
The attacks ''could never be justified'' and were a ''violation of humanitarian principles and moral obligations'', the statement says.
The Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, whose headquarters was bombed in downtown Oslo, was hosted on Thursday in the island where the almost simultaneous shooting took place. One of the topics discussed there were issues concerning the Palestinians and ending the siege on the Gaza Strip, the ECESG said, adding that Palestinian flags and anti-siege banners fluttered at the camp.
Norwegian police have arrested and charged a suspect in the attacks. They said he was of Norwegian descent and that the crime was motivated by conservative racial ideologies.
Norway's pro-Palestinian foreign policy had received strong disapproval from Israel and its supporters in the country.
Also among those who condemned the attacks is the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network, which has 132 member organizations working in different developmental fields.
In a statement, the PNGO network sent condolences to the families of those killed in the attacks and wished speedy recovery for those who were injured.
The PNGO also wished for more ''stability, safety, and prosperity'' for Norway and its people.

91 Killed in Norway Explosion by "Native Christian Fundamentalist"

Local Editor
Two explosions took place on Norway youth camp and government headquarters killing at least 91 people, and Norway police said that initial investigations revealed that a "Christian fundamentalist" was behind the attack, but the reasons were not clarified yet.
Norway has not witnessed such an attack since decades.

However, it's Premier Jens Stoltenberg said that "the country will emerge stronger from this cruel act of violence".

"Never since the Second World War has our country been hit by a crime on this scale," Stoltenberg said in a press conference, adding that the coming days will show who is responsible and what kind of punishment they will get."

He said: "The message to whoever attacked us, the message from all of Norway is that you will not destroy us, you will not destroy our democracy and our ideals for a better world."

The police said that "the suspect was a 32-year-old Norwegian who had posted anti-Muslim rhetoric online".

Furthermore, local media reports said that "the arrested suspect had links to right-wing extremists and possessed two weapons registered in his name", and that "he described himself on his Facebook page as Conservative and Christian".

Live witnesses said that "the attacker opened fire at first with an M16 after beckoning youngsters towards him".



How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare

by Jeff Gates

August 28, 2009

In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Economic Science was awarded to Israeli mathematician and game theory specialist Robert J. Aumann, co-founder of the Center for Rationality at Hebrew University. This Jerusalem resident explains: "the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel" has turned "Israel into the leading authority in this field."

game-theoryIsraeli strategists rely on game theory models to ensure the intended response to staged provocations and manipulated crises. With the use of game theory algorithms, those responses become predictable, even foreseeable—within an acceptable range of probabilities. The waging of war "by way of deception" is now a mathematical discipline.

Such "probabilistic" war planning enables Tel Aviv to deploy serial provocations and well-timed crises as a force multiplier to project Israeli influence worldwide. For a skilled agent provocateur, the target can be a person, a company, an economy, a legislature, a nation or an entire culture—such as Islam. With a well-modeled provocation, the anticipated reaction can even become a powerful weapon in the Israeli arsenal.

For instance, a skilled game theorist could foresee that, in response to a 9/11-type mass murder, "the mark" (the U.S.) would deploy its military to avenge that attack. With phony intelligence fixed around a preset goal, a game theory algorithm could anticipate that those forces might well be redirected to invade Iraq—not to avenge 9/11 but to pursue the expansionist goals of Greater Israel.

To provoke that invasion required the displacement of an inconvenient truth (Iraq played no role in 9/11) with what lawmakers and the public could be deceived to believe. The emotionally wrenching nature of that incident was essential in order to induce Americans to abandon rational analysis and to facilitate their reliance on false intelligence.

Americans were (predictably) provoked by that mass murder. The foreseeable reaction—shock, grief and outrage—made it easier for them to believe that an infamous Iraqi Evil Doer was to blame. The displacement of facts with beliefs lies at heart of how Israel, the world's leading authority in game theory, induces other nations to wage their wars.

False but Plausible

To displace facts with credible fiction requires a period of "preparing the minds" so that the mark will believe a pre-staged storyline. Thus the essential role of a complicit media to promote: (a) a plausible present danger (Iraqi weapons of mass destruction), (b) a plausible villain (a former ally rebranded as an Evil Doer), and (c) a plausible post-Cold War threat to national security (The Clash of Civilizations and "Islamo-fascism").

Reports from inside Israeli intelligence suggest that the war-planners who induced the 2003 invasion of Iraq began their psyops campaign no later than 1986 when an Israeli Mossad operation (Operation Trojan) made it appear that the Libyan leadership was transmitting terrorist directives from Tripoli to their embassies worldwide. Soon thereafter, two U.S. soldiers were killed by a terrorist attack in a Berlin discotheque. Ten days later, U.S., British and German aircraft dropped 60 tons of bombs on Libya.

The following is a senior Mossad operative's assessment (published in 1994 in The Other Side of Deception) of that 1986 operation—five years before the Gulf War and 15 years before the murderous provocation that preceded the invasion of Iraq:

After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt that it'll work.

Could this account by former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky be correct? If so, Tel Aviv's Iraqi operation required more pre-staging than its relatively simple Libyan deception.

America the Mark

From a game theory perspective, what is the probability of a violent reaction in the Middle East after more than a half-century of serial Israeli provocations—in an environment where the U.S. is identified (correctly) as the Zionist state's special friend and protector?

During the 1967 War, the Israeli killing of 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty confirmed that a U.S. president (Democrat Lyndon Johnson) could be induced to condone murderous behavior by Israel. Two decades later, Operation Trojan confirmed that a U.S. president (Republican Ronald Reagan) could be induced to attack an Arab nation based on intelligence fixed by Israel.

For more than six decades, the U.S. has armed, financed, befriended and defended Zionism. This "special relationship" includes the U.S.-discrediting veto of dozens of U.N. resolutions critical of Israeli conduct. From a game theory perspective, how difficult was it to anticipate that—out of a worldwide population of 1.3 billion Muslims—19 Muslim men could be induced to perpetrate a murderous act in response to U.S support for Israel's lengthy mistreatment of Arabs and Muslims, particularly Palestinians?

Israeli game theorists operate not from the Center for Morality or the Center for Justice but from the Center for Rationality. As modeled by Zionist war planners, game theory is devoid of all values except one: the ability to anticipate—within an acceptable range of probabilities—how "the mark" will react when provoked. Thus we see the force-multiplier potential for those who wage war with well-planned provocations and well-timed crises.

Israeli behavior is often immoral and unjust but that does not mean it is irrational. For Colonial Zionists committed to the pursuit of an expansionist agenda, even murderous provocations are rational because the response can be mathematically modeled, ensuring the results are reasonably foreseeable. That alone is sufficient for a people who, as God's chosen, consider it their right to operate above the rule of law.

Jeff Gates is author of "Guilt By Association, Democracy at Risk" and "The Ownership Solution". Read more articles by .

The Great Games-book review by Gilad Atzmon

Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the Great GamesEric Walberg on Post-Modern Imperialism

The Great Games


Though the number of critical voices concerning Israel, Zionism and Jewish power is growing steadily, a clear distinction can be made on the one hand between contributors who operate within the discourse and are politically oriented, and others who transcend themselves above and beyond any given political paradigm.

The former category refers to writers and scholars who operate 'within the box,' accepting the restrictive measures of a given political and intellectual discourse. A thinker who operates within such a framework would initially identify the boundaries of the discourse, and then shape his or her ideas to fit in accordingly. The latter category refers to a far more challenging intellectual attempt: it includes those very few who operate within a post-political realm, those who defy the dictatorship of 'political-correctness', or any given 'party-line'. It relates to those minds that think 'out of the box'. And it is actually those who, like artists, plant the seeds of a possible conceptual and consciousness shift.
Sadly enough, the Western anti Zionist, anti Israeli, and Palestinian solidarity discourse is far from being saturated by great intellectually and spiritually enlightening texts: For very many years the discourse has failed to address the most crucial questions regarding the local and global success of Zionism and Israel. For far too many years now, very few have dared to question the role of Jewish lobbying and the obvious continuum between the Jewish State, Jewish culture, Jewish religion, and ideology. Many years of Left hegemony at the heart of the Palestinian solidarity discourse is part of the problem, but this fact can be easily explained and even justified.

Zionism was born in the late 19th century, and like other emerging political movements at the time, it clearly conveyed some clear modernist (1) ideological symptoms. It was fuelled by the spirit of enlightenment. It presented a 'rational', secular, coherent and structural argument for Jewish self- determination and re-location.(2) It was driven by Eurocentric modernist pseudo-scientific, biological-determinist poeticism(3). Political Zionism found itself negotiating extensively with the leading empires at the time, most of whom were modernist by definition. It is only reasonable to assume that Zionism, manifesting itself as a modernist ideology, would be opposed by other 19th century anti-colonial modernist ideologies such as Marxism, 'working class politics', dialectical materialism, cosmopolitanism or Left thinking in general.

Yet, unlike the Left thinking that is in constant danger of structural and intellectual stagnation, Zionism has proved to be an inherently dynamic political movement: it has never stopped evolving and reinventing itself. The history of Zionism reveals a clear success story. Within just six decades, Zionism fulfilled its initial promise and founded the 'Jews only' State, at the expense of the Palestinians. It achieved its initial goal with the vast support of the world's richest nations and leading superpowers. By 1967 it had managed to mobilise the entirety of world Jewry, and had transformed Jewish elites into a fierce fist of Jewish power. By then, Zionism had also changed its course -- instead of schlepping Jews to Palestine, it gathered that Israel would actually benefit if Diaspora Jews stayed exactly where they were, and mounted pressure on their respective governments. By the end of the 20th century, Israel has managed to transform the English-speaking empire into an Israeli mission force. In 2003 Britain and the USA sent their sons and daughters to destroy Iraq, the last fierce enemy of Israel in the region. And yet, at the time there was hardly any critical theory that could shed light onto the immense power of Israel and its lobbies within the Anglo-American political world. There was no political theory that would explain the Anglo-American's suicidal decision to fight illegal wars for Israel. There was also a noticeable and substantial lack of scholarly work that could throw some light on the sudden twist within Western elites against Islam and Muslims. Being modernist, Eurocentric and secularist, the Left found it hard, or even impossible to deal with the complexity of both Islam and Jewish ideology.

Yet, unlike Marxism, or any other form of progressive thinking, Zionism has never been truly committed to any structural modernist way of thought. Zionism is primarily loyal to Jews and what it perceives as their needs. The simple truth is that Zionism was very quick to drift away from modernism. The deeper truth is that Zionism has never been a genuinely modernist precept. Zionism is basically a Zelig populist-pragmatic outlook, which goes through rapid metamorphic shapes, incarnations and affiliations, just to fit into any given discourse that suits its purposes. Indeed, Zionism masked itself as a modernist political ideology when it was needed, and it was secularist and rational when these ideas were broadly appealing. But it also easily developed a religious-evangelist flavour -- when the prospects of such transitions could be translated into power.

Zionism was also very quick to grasp postmodern conditions; it may even be argued that it has been the first to define these conditions. Zionism allows itself to be contradictory (4), irrational at times, tribal and emotional on other occasions. These facts alone may explain why the Left has failed to offer an adequate criticism of Zionism and Israel, for if Zionism and Israel belong to the realm of post modernity, then we could hardly expect any modernist scholarship to provide a comprehensive reading into the complexity of the situation.

In recent years we have seen a few successful attempts to break away from the traditional Left, materialist and modernist political analysis of Zionism and Israeli politics. James Petras, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt were among the first to publish academic work on the immense and disastrous impact of the 'Israeli Lobby' (a politically correct wording for Jewish power). Two years ago Shahid Alam published "Israeli Exceptionalism – The Destabilising Logic of Zionism," an incredibly courageous scholarly attempt to grasp the destructive role of Jewish power in America and beyond. Petras, Mearsheimer, Walt and Alam operated out of the box: their criticism of Israel, Zionism and Jewish power was not restricted by a party-line or by any given political consensus or paradigm. Quite the opposite, their work broke away from their contemporaneous paradigms and brought into life a new discourse that now shapes itself into an extensive body of thought, as well as providing politically pragmatic applications (5). As one may expect, Petras, Mearsheimer and Walt were criticised by elements within the Left, and especially by prominent Jewish voices within the Left. But they prevailed. Wisdom and true intellectual insights cannot be contained . At the most, these voices can be silenced or suppressed for a short while but they always hit back with much greater rigour.

This week we saw the publication of Eric Walberg's "Postmodern Imperialism Geopolitics- And The Great Games" (Clarity Press), a substantial addition to the aforementioned and precious 'out of the box' category.

The book sketches a fascinating historical journey that provides Walberg with the necessary means to unveil the unique particularity of the postmodern conditions we are subject to. Walberg provides us with an extensive expose of the depth of the Zionist penetration into Western thought and the destructive power of Israeli imperial wars.

In order to achieve his goal, Walberg sets an historical template. He identifies three crucial phases in the past and recent imperial affairs: Great Game I (GGI) refers to 'classical imperialism' with competing empires vying for territories and resources.

Great Game II (GGII) refers largely to the cold war and the alliance of formerly competing Western empires under US hegemony in an attempt to restrain communism and contain its influence.
Great Game III (GGIII) is where we are now--the postmodern phase. It starts roughly with the collapse of the Soviet block. It can be described broadly in Neo-conservative terms as American unilateral world domination through absolute military superiority. But such a definition would be misleading. In reality we encounter the total Israeli-fication of America and its elites. In practice what we see is America willingly lending its might to a miniature Jewish state.

GGIII is the victorious march of Israeli, Zionist, and Jewish power. Walberg's analysis is there to explain the shameless reaction of American senators and congressmen to Netanyahu's speech recently. It explains why America, once regarded as a leader of the free world, is now lending its destructive might to the miniature Jewish state. The frightening truth is that Israel is now an 'Empire and -a -Half' as Walberg calls it. It has, at its disposal, the world's only super- power that fights its wars by proxy and provides for its needs. Devastatingly enough, America doesn't find within itself the power to liberate itself. The world's single super power's elite is practically held hostage by a miniature state and its supportive lobbies.

Like other significantly illuminating texts, Walberg provides the reader with the fundamental means to intercept the Zion-ised reality in which we live. Those who read the book may be able to grasp the current Murdoch affair and the role of his media empire within the context of global Zionism. Just less than a year ago, the media magnate accepted the ADL Award. In 2003 Murdoch's media network rallied in support of the 'War Against Terror'. Murdoch should have been stopped by the British Government or the Parliament, but as it seems, all recent British Governments and parties have been supported heavily by the Israeli Lobby in Britain. When this country was taken into an illegal war in Iraq, Lord cashpoint Levy was Tony Blair's 'number one' fundraiser.

Walberg produces a thorough reading of the various elements that made Israel into an 'Empire and -a -Half'. Fearlessly he looks into Judaism: he examines scholarly works dealing with the complex relationship between 'Jews and the state', he elaborates on Jewish and Zionist ideologies, he unveils the role of Jewish oligarchs. Walberg also examines the tactics and strategies that are put into action by Israel and its supporters: global wars, nuclear armament, soft power, sayanim, spies and gatekeepers. He elaborates on the Israeli Lobby and their media manipulation. He also discloses the role of some Jewish elements within the Left in stifling free discourse and diverting attention from the real issues.
Towards the end of the book Walberg reveals the bitter truth -- Israel is actually far more independent than America, its supportive backing empire : "Despite the continuation of its special relationship with the US, Israel is playing an increasingly independent role in GGIII around the world, with its government, corporations and kosher nostra working with whatever states and non-state actors are willing to condone its deadly games, selling arms, smuggling drugs, buying blood diamonds from Africa, conducting covert operations to subvert governments, assassinating opponents, forging passports... Its Diaspora community and Chabad network, found in virtually every corner of the globe, facilitate its game plan, keeping ahead of US plans and technology through its American Sayanim, operatives, spies and powerful lobby."(6)

It seems as if Israel is well ahead of America in every possible field. If Israel has ever been a 'Golem' created by the 'colonial powers' as some Left thinkers insist to suggest, than it is pretty obvious that the 'Golem' has turned on its creator. "In keeping with Jewish survival strategy throughout history," Walberg continues, "Israel's plans are more subtle than those of the current ruling US empire, as it cannot hope to subdue the world directly, but rather primarily by shaping or subverting its host empire's aims and strategies, to achieve its geopolitical "place in the sun" both through its Diaspora and through its own use of statecraft and subversion, untroubled by world reaction."(7)

Walberg's "Postmodern Imperialism" is a landmark text, written at a crucial moment in time. For the West, America and Americans, this may be a final wake-up call. For Israel, Israelis and their supporters around the world, this text is a red alert. Israel urgently needs to find the way to restrain its 'global expansionist enthusiasm' before it is too late. In fact, it may be too late already.
Gilad Atzmon's latest book is The Wandering Who.
is now available on Amazon.
(1)The notion of modernity in this text refers to intellectual culture intertwined with 'grand narratives', rationality, enlightenment, coherence, science, secularisation, binary opposition and related factors.
(2)Jews like all other people should have a land of their own.
(3)Let us examine Ze'ev Jabotinsky's The Song Of Betar
"A Jew even in poverty is a prince
Though a slave or a tramp.
You were created the son of a king,
Crowned with David's crown,
The crown of pride and strife."

(4)Victim and oppressor
(5) Move Over AIPAC is certainly a good example of the above.
(6) Eric Walberg; "Postmodern Imperialism Geopolitics And The Great Games", Clarity Press, 2011 Pg' 235
(7) Ibid Pg' 23

Israel used an imposter and a belly dancer to counteract flotilla II

"Though the gay activist and the bellydancer stunts proved to be a total failure but they brought to light the duplicity of the Jewish state and how presumptuously Israel played the world for a bunch of fools"

 By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

U.S. boat to Gaza, One of the ships of the freedom flotilla II
Though Israel has managed to abort the planned course of the freedom flotilla II that was aiming to break the Israeli naval blockade on Gaza, it utterly failed to divert the attention of the international community from the inhumane Israeli siege on Palestinians imprisoned in their own homeland.

The flotilla II may have failed in literally breaking the Israeli blockade on Gaza but the brave activists' collective efforts have unequivocally exposed the ugly side of the Middle-Eastern Zionist enclave and displayed its brutal apartheid face for the whole world to see.

The Israelis may have managed to muscle the Greek government and freak out practically all the European aviation security authorities and keep the activists grounded in Europe's airports, but they couldn't incarcerate the love message and the hope the activists and a lot of free spirited people shared with them around the world.

The mission failed but not the vision.

Mission Impeded but the message conveyed.
Israel has managed to sabotage the naval trip of the flotilla II, demolish the democratic right of expression of the free world and audaciously incriminate those who choose to nonviolently boycott Israel for its crimes against humanity.
But the one obvious thing Israel couldn't do is to prevent the world conscience from feeling guilty and somehow morally blamed over the Israeli flagrant crimes of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in the west bank and Gaza.
The thwarted mission of the "to Gaza with love" flotilla II might be classified as a military and political triumph for Israel but with more scrutiny it wouldn't be so hard to discover that Israel came out of this world PR campaign as a sore loser.
Israel came out of this flotilla story more isolated than ever and tremendously losing whatever stock it got left of the western public support.
Anti-Israeli sentiments in the Arab and Muslim world, invoked by Israel's aggressive and colonization policy in Palestine, is something that Israel managed to not only orchestrate but to skillfully employ as a tool for blackmailing the west and justifying whatever crimes it committed in the name of its right to defend itself amongst an alleged sea of Muslim and Arab unjustified hatred.
Following the drama of sabotaging and terrorizing the flotilla II That sea of resentment for the Israeli expansionist and apartheid policies has grown bigger and wider as it encompassed most of Europe and America's public opinion as clearly expressed on the web blogging.
And it seemed for Israel that the only way to hold back that anti-Israeli tide is to play the card of a nation seeking friendship and peace with its Arab neighbors who in return refuse its friendship and won't normalize relations with the peace-loving state of Israel.

Arabic anti-normalization with Israel

The Arab nations have unanimously agreed not to normalize relations with the Israeli people as long as the Israeli aggressiveness and occupation of the Arab land in Palestine, as delineated by UN resolution 242, continues.
And this popular consensus of anti-normalization with Israel is particularly and closely observed and respected by all Arabic artists, writers and intellectuals.
Failing to break through this popular consensus in the Arabic world the Israeli Mossad, every now and then and through its operatives of Arabic origin in Europe, try to pull out a propaganda stunt to distract the world public opinion from the real issues of annexing the Arab land in Palestine, kicking out its indigenous people and lately bullying the pro-Palestinian political and humanitarian activists in land, air and sea and instead sell the world a Murdoch style story about the friendly and tolerant side of Israel.

Flotilla II counter attacked by propaganda stunts

The real issue this time was the Gaza freedom flotilla II laden with thousands of love and solidarity letters meant to be delivered to the people of Gaza, only the Zionists in Tel Aviv are no fools, they knew that those letters are mightier than weapons, they knew that they wouldn't be able to conquer those activists by some commandos raid this time.
This time was different and as the whole world was closely watching, Israel had to fight back the flotilla II with the same tools the activists used and may be send, in advance, a counter propaganda campaign.

Israeli stunt No. 1 /the bellydancer stunt

The latest Israeli propaganda stunts came out on Sunday, June 19 where Israeli heavy metal band "Orphaned Land" performed alongside some unknown Lebanese belly dancer by the name of Johanna Fakhri at the Hellfest music festival in the western French town of Clisson.
This stunt came one day before the launching time for the Gaza Aide flotilla II in a desperate attempt to detract the world attention from the Gaza bound ships and to counteract any negative effect aborting this world humanitarian mission could evoke.

Kobi Fahri, lead singer of orphaned land, the Israeli heavy metal band and Johanna Fakhri, the Lebanese bellydancer brandishing their countries' flags side by side on stage in Hellfest festival.
It is strange enough to watch an Arabic belly dancer dancing to the impossible to dance to doom, death and metal music played by an Israeli hard rock band but when the performers choose to brandish their respective countries' flags side by side on stage; you have all the ingredients, as France 24 put it, for a potentially suspicious and volatile scene.
I personally have nothing against bellydancing of which I enjoy the folklore side but it is a common knowledge in the Arab World that bellydancers are not that politically educated and may be are not the most likely ones to venture into the grounds of the controversial Arab-Israeli politics whereas tabloid news and sex scandals is the arena where they are most active.
And for an Arab bellydancer- based in France- to make such a daring statement, in a live performance on the stage, one must think twice about who were orchestrating this whole propaganda stunt from backstage.

YouTube - Veterans Today -Israel's bellydancer propaganda stunt

Israeli Stunt No.2 / the gay activist stunt

Realizing that the bellydancer's stunt created a wave of controversial backfire and at the same time failed to elicit neither the expected response nor the media coverage Israel went ahead with stunt no.2
This time Israel chose to go online and specifically use the worldwide-watched YouTube and once again tried to blackmail the western sensitivity by displaying a pathetic act for an alleged American gay activist by the name of Marc Pax, who is so keen to mobilize an army of western gay activists to join the Gaza flotilla II only he was turned down by the organizers.
But that did not turn out to be a bad thing for him for after all, for as he was doing his online homework concerning the purpose of the flotilla II he miraculously discovered that the flotilla activists were trying to help the people of Gaza who were ruled by Hamas, a terrorist and anti-gay rights organization, as defined by Israel and the Zionist organizations around the world.
The man in the video was later identified as Omer Gershon, a Tel Aviv actor involved in marketing, by the Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian Web site.

YouTube - Veterans Today -Israel's gay activist stunt

Playing the world for a bunch of fools

In both previous propaganda stunts Israel has considerably underestimated the intelligence of the viewer's perception.
In the Hellfest stunt the Mossad somehow forgot that most Arabs knew for a fact that a belly dancer would do almost anything, in public or in private, for the right price and that a vulnerable migrant Arab dancer could very well be the perfect recruit for the Israeli Mossad.
In the YouTube stunt the Mossad agents somehow forgot that they were supposed to download an amateurish video shot by some webcam and not the professional production this imposter video turned out to be with all the high-tech lighting and editing including the use of B-roll technique used only by professional video production crews.

Another Israeli blatant theft

Karem Mahmoud 1925-1995, renowned Egyptian musician and singer
As for the bellydancer stunt everything about it was phony and unauthentic and that goes too for the heavy metal band, orphaned land, who while waving the Israeli flag close to the Lebanese one were in the midst of performing their most popular hit track, Norra El Norra, a distorted metal reproduction of, Samra ya samra, one of the most popular pop Egyptian songs by the late singer, Karem Mahmoud.
Only the highly acclaimed Israeli band replicated the music of the famous Egyptian song without any reference to the Egyptian original song or the publishing rights of its composer and moreover they adapted to it new Hebrew lyrics that mostly praise the lord of the torah who I don't think would be pleased by this blatant musical theft carried out for his glory and by few of his chosen people.
But on second thought, I don't think Yahweh would be that offended or surprised considering the long line of other historical thefts his chosen people had perpetrated over the years.
Though the gay activist and the bellydancer stunts proved to be a total failure but they brought to light the duplicity of the Jewish state and how presumptuously Israel played the world for a bunch of fools.


.. The only thing that made sense to me in this whole affair of the Israeli Mossad stunts is the name of the Israeli heavy metal band, Orphaned Land, which through their highjacked music kept an old Jewish tradition of tampering with history and also proved what the modern Israeli archeologist have asserted, that decades of excavations in the so-called Jews historical homeland revealed mostly ancient Egyptian and Arabic archeological findings but scarcely any Jewish remains… and may be that is why the land, even after the establishment of the Jewish state and the home return of millions of the children of God, still feels alienated and orphaned.

Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In Car Crash

The accident of prominent Dutch "demolition expert" Danny Jowenko is of special interest to us, because on July 13th 2011 in an exclusive Press TV interview, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Veterans Today board member and editor, specifically drew attention to the Dutch demolition expert, Danny Jowenko, stating that two years ago, he came across an extremely disturbing video in which Danny Jowenko was interviewed concerning the collapse on 9/11, of a 3rd World Trade Center building.  WTC7, a 47 storey building, the third tallest building, which was not hit by a plane, which was conspicuously missing in the 9/11 commission report and which according to Danny Jowenko was absolutely brought down by a controlled demolition. "That is, WTC-7 went straight down into its own footprint in seconds without any visible external trauma, which means only some catastrophic internal trauma could have brought it down, concluded Sabrosky." He has repeatedly cited the well known demolition experts' views and interview in his recent articles and interviews.

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"To smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty."

~ Jonathan Azaziah

"When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest."

Feroze Mithiborwala

Palash Biswas
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