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From: <peacethrujustice@aol.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 8:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] A Brief Statement on the North African Revolution
-- From: <peacethrujustice@aol.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 8:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] A Brief Statement on the North African Revolution
11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
The North African Revolution
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):
Like much of the world, for days now I've been closely following the tumultuous events in North Africa. It all started with one young man by the name of Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old graduate student who made a tragic decision, under the yoke of oppression and humiliation, to take his own life in a very public, desperate and defiant way.
The action of this ONE young man was the spark that lit the fires of a revolution that will change the Arab and Muslim worlds for generations to come. The yoke of fear which had bound the Arab mind in that part of the world has been broken!
The former ruler of Tunisia (Ben Ali) has been sent packing to Saudi Arabia (a cage for many unclean and stateless birds); the ruler of Yemen (Saleh) - though currently out of the news - is teetering on the bridge of uncertainty; and the once untouchable Pharoah of modern Egypt (Mubarak) will be packing his bags for a plush but soul-punishing exile in either Saudi Arabia, Tel Aviv, or some sympathetic western capitol any day now!
While all of this is taking place, oppressive monarchs and presidents-for-life (or so they thought!) are convening urgent closed doors meetings (with their western "advisors"), in an effort to determine what the short and long term implications of these dizzying developments may be for them.
The one thing that the governments of Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt have in common, is the extremely high level of disfavor with the people they supposedly governed for decades, and the equally high level of favor they enjoy (or used to enjoy) with the United States and its closest allies!
And one of the greatest and most instructive ironies connected to all of this, is that with all of the material and diplomatic resource that Israel, America, a host of other western governments, and the always available string of Arab/Muslim puppets, have invested over the past three decades into destabilizing Iran (by any means necessary!), the Islamic Republic of Iran is about to celebrate 32 years of existence and progress!
And ALLAH is surely the best of planners! (Long live the Revolution!)
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
P.S. please check out a thought-provoking, Muslim-American produced spoken word music video titled, "Silence Is Consent!" It comes to us courtesy of Nashid and Akanke, and their equally thought-provoking blog, "Ascertain The Truth." The message in the video is truly on point!
Palash Biswas
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